Kalki Subramaniam
Count Me In! Conference 16-18 April 2011, Kathmandu, Nepal ... Count Me In! is a South Asia conference for marginilised women - dalit women, transgender women, muslim women, female sex workers and all those women who have not been counted in. I was invited as a panelist to speak about the issues of transgender women. Our girls were invited to perform. However, it was a great fulfilling experience for all the girls as there were multiple events and discussions in the conference in which they participated.

It was a great, great trip. While they got a good exposure on the activism happening for the rights of marginalised women in South Asian countries like Pakisthan, Nepal, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Sirlanka, they also connected with many transgender girls from these countries and made friends. The trip was completely sponsored by CREA. Many of our girls didn't have a passport or a voter's id and so going by flight to Nepal was difficult. By road it is easy. But we flew to Kolkatta, from there we traveled in train crossing West Bengal, Jahrkand and Bihar and got down at Raxual, the border town to Nepal in Bihar.From Raxual, we traveled in three different horse carts to Birganj. From Birganj, we got a bus to Kathmandu, an overnight trip. We came back the same way we traveled.

Kalki Subramaniam

Kalki Subramaniam
 Our troupe performed at the Heartlight Cochin International Film Festival in March 2011. Here is the fabulous video.
Kalki Subramaniam

In March 2011, our girls performed at the Heartlight Cochin International Film Festival in the opening ceremonry. I was invited to inaugurate the festival and four of our team members, Sowndharya, Sandhiya, Selvi and Abinaya did a wonderful dance and performance at the opening ceremony. It was also the first flight trip for Sandhiya, Selvi and Abinaya. They enjoyed the whole experience. Most importantly, they also earned money by performing very professionally. We have come a long way :) 
Kalki Subramaniam